Face to Face
What is Australian music? In essence it is about people ~ its creators, interpreters, presenters, audiences, and the many other people involved.
We cannot ever come to know our musical landscape unless we come to knowat least some of those people. All these people have faces. And seeing these faces so sensitively captured on film, expressing not just their physical appearance, but also a mood, ideas, dreams ~ we come to understand through your eye much more than the image itself.
Bridget, your role as an artist documenting this landscape is a veryspecial one, because you capture through your vision a perspective on a person that causes us to reflect and consider, to reinterpret ourideas of a particular composer or performer, to re-hear the work, and to refine the cartography of our musical landscape.
May you continue to map our world with such an eye!
- John Davis, chief executive of The Australian Music Centre © 2004